The Sahara Desert Once a Lush, Green Paradise

Today, the Sahara Desert is the largest hot desert in the world, covering about 9.2 million square kilometers across North Africa. It is known for its vast sand dunes, extreme temperatures, and arid conditions. However, scientists have discovered that thousands of years ago, the Sahara was not a barren wasteland but a lush, green paradise filled wi

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Italy A Fountain That Flows with Free Wine

Italy, a country famous for its rich history and world-renowned cuisine, is also home to a unique attraction a fountain that dispenses free wine! Located in the town of Caldari di Ortona, in the Abruzzo region, this special fountain flows with locally produced red wine 24/7. It was created as a gift to pilgrims walking the famous Cammino di San Tom

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Australia Home to the World’s Deadliest Snakes

Australia is famous for its diverse and unique wildlife, but it is also home to some of the most dangerous snakes in the world. In fact, 10 of the world’s most venomous snakes can be found in Australia, including the inland taipan, also known as the “fierce snake.” This snake holds the record for the most toxic venom of any land snake, capabl

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France The Expanding Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower, one of the most iconic landmarks in the world, has a fascinating secret it actually grows taller during the summer! Due to the effects of thermal expansion, the metal structure expands when exposed to heat, making the tower grow by about 15 cm (6 inches) during hot weather. This happens because the iron used in the tower absorbs h

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